Back a few weeks ago i finished up a poster for the upcoming
ArtWalk. This year is the 9th year that walk will take place here in Wilmington, September 11th. If nothing else you could come down and walk the new streets of Downtown Wilmington. I have to say that during the day it's really quite wonderful downtown. A little cluby for me at night but that's typical right.
I tried to find some
more info on the actual art walk itself but there isn't much floating around on the web right now. Here is what i did find:
ArtWalk / Downtown outdoor art and craft festival, Front St., 10am-5pm FREE
Treasures on display along six blocks of Front Street in Historic Wilmington will include one-of-a-kind paintings, photographs, handmade jewelry, and sculptures. In the past, this day-long event has drawn over 10,000 people. For more info, 216-374-8884 or
While your downtown you can check out all the art and crafts that will fill the streets as they close of Front Street for a few blocks. Be sure to stop in at
Chops Deli for some of the best sandwiches in town. I recommend the Plymouth if you have a sweet tooth. The Marseille for a little more kick in the spices department.
There are a few local sponsors of course that are making this happen. Wilmington's
Do It Downtown,
Fox 26, CoolWilmington and a few others.
Hope that this continues to grown and continues to pick up steam for the art community here in the area. Since Creative Wilmington shut down last year i hope to see some thing rise up and continue to bring the art community together, encourage and cultivate the growth and awareness in the arts. Personally, i like seeing more and more fine art, modern art making its way into the mix of the coastal niche of seascapes and light house paintings. Not to run them out but show another side of what art is and can be. I hated abstract are growing up and in college. Partly because in the graphic design, advertising and illustration fields things are and have to be conceptually driven. In abstract art there is now driving concept to see and marvel over how you can boil and idea down to the simplest common denominators and put it out for the public to digest the information. Since college and working in the design/advertising field, i welcome the chance to look at something and let my thoughts and emotions of the day, week month or year determine what the piece is evoking in me. My imagination has been set free to run, jump, sprint, stroll and sit in a new world someone else as created to share with me. A little piece of them for me to press my nose up against and peek in for a spell.
Well, that was a longer tangent than i was planning to go down. Off the soapbox now. Here are a few shots of the poster that
iamReedicus put together for the event. If you have an event and you need a poster put together get in touch with me.
Thanks to the local business that put up the flyer. Today i saw the posters up in the windows of these fine store fronts,
Hot Pink Cup Cake Stand, Planet and the
Olive Tree Co.
