
Gypsies of the Sea: A Process Video

Had a chance to have a few of the Swimming Machine folks over to see how there poster was made a few weeks back. We talked about how the project starts with roughs and thumbnails and progresses to a final piece. From there the process goes completely analog. Here is a clip they were kind enough to put together and share with me. There was a little bit of an issue with the ink not being exactly like i wanted it to begin with. The dark blue in was the starting point and was lightened to the more teal green/blue later that night.

Congrats are in order to Justin and the Swimming Machine, on having there Kickstarter project completed! Glad to have been able to help them out.

Gypsies of the Sea: A Screenprint by Brian Reed from Justin Lacy on Vimeo.

Thanks for stopping by again.




Time Lapse Print

Borrowed a GoPro and tried capturing the printing process. Battery died on me halfway through the second color. But you get the idea cause its exactly the same as the first color. Tried uploading the higher quality video but kept crashing. So here is the embedded youtube feed. nothing fancy as far as the home studio goes. Just a little "making it happen wit whatch ya got".

Sorry no fancy Adobe After Effects (yet, well see if i can get back to it).