
Holga Portra 400VC

Well i got some more film back from the great Folks down at Image finishers (http://imagefinishers.com/) and got a few really cool shots to post from a ski trip at the end of January and a Haiti support show i saw early Feb.

I also am in the works of getting a website together to post a greater collection of design, art and fotos that my wife and i have put together over the last few years. I am setting a personal goal to have it up and running by the end of June so we'll see how that goes. As soon as it is up i will post a link here.

On to the art...

Here is Justin Munn, you may know him from a few other shots taken while shredding the guitar on stage with fellow band members of Crimson Refuge. A van full of tired kiddos from our youth group. Good ole Aaron is poking his head out. This was taken with a cheap fisheye and a color gel ringflash. However i am going to have to look into doubling up on the gels cause there really isn't a noticeable difference like those dramatic shots that you see over at the Lomo website. I'll try it out and post back here with some results.

Ok this fellow is Brent Holloman. You may know of him from Beta Radio. This is a shot that was taken at the Satellite Lounge Back earlier this month. Great Tunes! If you get a chance head over to there myspace page http://www.myspace.com/betaradio. If they start playing regularly differently check em out. This was again a colored gell ring flash with little effect from the gels. The background lights were the stars here. I love not knowing what your gonna get when you drop film off at the shop. Little mini Christmas' all year long.

Till next time
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Digital Painting

Ok so it's been a while. Sorry about that. I have some cool things coming up. Scanning in two rolls of 120 film right now and should be able to post them here in the next week or so.
In the meantime i have been really trying to get into this thing called speed painting. From what i can tell it is an exercise that illustrators and animators use to warm up and get going before they jump into there work. Its like working out a gesture painting with out having to let it dry.

Now i have been back and forth on To get Painter 11 or stay with Photoshop. The rotate canvas is the feature that has been the most coveted feature of Painter. Now PS CS4 has that!
Still dont have the funds to break out painter yet, but if some one out there wants to get rid of their copy holler at me and i'll gladly take it off your hands.

Here are a few names of those that i admire in the digital painting field.
Bobby Chui
Bjorn Hurri
BK Studio
Christian Alzmann
Lois van Baarie
David Colman
Chris Sasaki
Willie Real
Carlos Felipe Leon
I could go on for a while but i'll stop there.

Although Cory Godbey, Chris Koelle and Justin Gerard over at Portland Studios don't do very many straight digital pieces they surely spark my interest in the aspects of digital first.

All that to say i did my first digital painting. It's still is floating on the page a bit. That said it's my favorite mug. I look forward to doing more of these in the life ahead of me.

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