
Love Language Poster

Here are some type development and color schemes i am working on for an upcoming poster and show. Still trying to decide whether i should type set the rest of the info or use the hand written type as well.

The magenta and cyan are a palette that i enjoy but also felt it lent itself to the boy meets girl aspect of the songs. Lots of songs about relationships both good and bad. Well see how it turns out when its finished.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6
Option 7

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Purposeful Pinhole

Every now and again you come across something so simple and wonderful that you have to share it with everyone you know. I came across this in my rabbit trails of late night interwebbing and thought that this is worth sharing. I was completely excited to think that i could possibly brighten the day of someone on the the other side of the world, someone who i've never met before. That old saying of a picture is worth a thousand words is taken to another level. I think i'll have to get some of these to send to those that became my family in Thailand and then see about meeting some new family members in some other parts of the world.

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